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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Religious Street Sermon turns into protest of Alternative Lifestyle Establishment
On the evening of Saturday December 4th, a group of Street Preachers assembled together near Pie Hole, a local Pizzia Restaurant near the corner of 8th and Idaho. Their goal, was to preach the word of god on the streets of Boise Idaho. They were holding a big sign, on which, one side of the sign said, "Why do you call me lord and not do the things that I say?" In the process of doing this they were handing out fliers, in which, it read, "Is Good Enough, Good Enough, For God?" Listing on the flier naming what they consider crimes. "Homosexuality, Abortion, Pre-Marital Sex, Drinking, and Smoking Pot." After a short period of time the street sermon turned into a protest of a Downtown Alternative L:ifestyle Establishment known for their Lesbian and Gay patrons after a Lesbian Couple began kissing in front of the group that was preaching.

The group was standing near Pie Hole, and was continuing to preach to the passers by on the corner of 8th and Idaho in a voice that appeared to be calm. They then, began to move across the street placing themselves right across from a second floor bar with a balcony. Through use of a Microphone, and a Loud Speaker the group began to blast their message at the patrons of The Private Establishment. Shouting at the Patron's of The Second floor Establishment they said, "Jesus Christ has the power to shut this bar down." One of the patrons during the ensuing shouting exchange, a man said, "you guys are the reason I left the church."

The exchange continued for a time, with tensions filling the air. An on-looker named KC Crawford said regarding the events, "I would like to think as Citizens of Boise that we can make our own choices." Saying further about the man with the Microphone that was a across the street, next to, the now closed Bad Irish Bar, "He was a little Agressive, and it was a bit much."