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Friday, April 25, 2014

Breaking: Boise Police Arrest at Frank Church Highschool 4-25-14

Mark Reinhardt- Boise Idaho
An incident has now occurred at Frank Church High School, involving a student and Boise Police Officers;

 In a brief phone interview, Dan Holler, spokesman for the Boise School District stated that the incident occurred between another student and a staff member. Referring further comment to the Boise Police Department citing the incident, as a "Law Enforcement issue."

Carsten, a student at the school, whose last name has been removed for Privacy reasons. Described the incident in a  Facebook post;
"An office aid told me it was because he was sitting in the hallway with his legs out, and the teachers didn't like having to step over his legs so they sent him to the office, then he got an attitude and it pretty much went from there.”

Derek, the original videographer recording the incident said, "I honestly just don't wanna see the kid get assault on a officer."
The video itself, was originally posted to Facebook.

Lt. Ron Winegar with the Boise Police Department had described the following information from what was told to him by Officers involved; "It involved a student who was either expelled or suspended by the school officials." Further describing the incident, Lt. Winegar expanded on the issue; "The School Resource officer attempted to escort the student off school grounds after he had been told to leave and refused. The student battered the officer and was arrested after a physical struggle to place him in custody." Amber, another student at the school, stated in a Facebook post. "really says something about our officers if they need two officers to one teen in high school!"

According to documents obtained through the Idaho Public Records Act, the following is described as the use of force guide taught to members of Law Enforcement at the Idaho Peace Officer Standards and Training Academy; ID Post use of force guide No further information is currently available at this time. Updates will come, as soon as, new information becomes available.

 Full Use of Force training:
Update: 4-28-14 9:35 AM
The Boise Guardian has reported the following over the weekend:

An honor student from another school who attends computer classes at the Boise School District tech center near Frank Church High on Victory Road also contacted the GUARDIAN to report,
"At least a dozen Boise Pd units with lights flashing responded to the school during the lunch hour Friday.” The student said the response included marked units, supervisors, and unmarked detective cars." 
In a brief phone interview with Lt. Johnson of the Boise Police Department, he stated, "I do know more than one Officer did respond." 

Update 4-29-14 12:03 PM
The Boise Police Department has now issued a Press Release on the Frank Church Highschool Incident;

Student charged with battery on officerMonday, April 28

Boise Police officers and Boise School administrators are investigating an incident at a Boise high school Friday afternoon.

A 17-year-old student is in custody after an altercation at Frank Church High School on West Salt Creek Drive. The incident started at about 11:50 a.m. Friday when a school administrator asked the student to leave the school grounds because of an earlier disturbance. The 17-year-old refused, so the administrator called on the School Resource Officer standing down the hall for assistance.

The Boise Police SRO talked with the student and explained the need for him to leave the campus immediately, but the student refused. This was close to noon, so dozens of students were in the hallway in preparation for lunch.
The 17-year-old turned and attempted to walk toward classrooms. The SRO took the student by the arm to escort him out of the building, but the teen moved away from the officer abruptly. As the SRO attempted to take the student into custody,  the 17-year-old started punching the officer in the face. Another employee, a 61-year-old man, who attempted to help the SRO was also punched by the student.

The SRO could not get control of the fighting student, so he radioed for help from nearby officers who responded immediately. The physical altercation lasted about three minutes before the student was taken into custody. Assisting officers were at the school for about 30 minutes until lunch was over and students were back in class.

The 17-year-old was booked into the Ada County juvenile detention facility on charges of battery on a law enforcement officer (a felony), battery and resisting/obstructing an officer (misdemeanors).

The student did not require medical treatment. The SRO and school employee who were battered received minor injuries.

The investigation into the incident continues. Because it involves a juvenile on school grounds, there is no other information available for release at this time.

Update 5-1-14 3:14 PM
The 17 year old in the video, is now out of the Ada County juvenile detention facility, according to sources close to the Frank Church High School student body.

Citation Links:

Protest over Oil and Gas Lease Auction held at the Idaho Department of Lands April 17th

Mark Reinhardt- Boise Idaho

Protesters affiliated with Wild Idaho Rising Tide, Idaho Residents Against Gas Exploration, and Muse Project, protested outside the Idaho Department of Lands. Over Oil and Gas Exploration leases issued for public lands within the State. Before heading inside the building, activists sang a song titled, "Do It Now" in relation to impacts on the environment within the area. A major concern cited by the activists was transparency in the auction process. The Public Lands being put up for auction, were within the Ada and Canyon County areas, according to documents obtained from the Department of Lands website; 

"The leases were for approximately 6,071 acres in Canyon County; 3,281 acres in Ada County; 2,789 acres in Gem County; 2,563 acres in Payette County; 2,375 acres in Washington County; and 631 acres in Owyhee County."

Current Oil and Gas Exploration regulatory functions were created in 2013, as the IDL website states; "In 2013 the Governor and Idaho Legislature approved a bill to change the composition of the Idaho Oil and Gas Conservation Commission from the same five members of Idaho's Land Board to five individuals appointed by the Governor and approved by the Senate." According to the website, the members of the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission are listed in this fashion.
Chairman Chris Beck of Hayden Lake, representing water interests
Vice Chairman Margaret Chipman of Weiser, representing landowners with mineral rights
Sid Cellan of Soda Springs, representing landowners without mineral rights Jim Classen of Boise, representing geological interests
Ken Smith of Boise, representing oil and gas interests
An April 15th meeting of the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission addressed issues related to costs of permits, and regulatory functions with members. The Land Board lists the Idaho State Executive Cabinet as members.
At the event, conflict had occurred between department staff, and activists, as the WIRT blog writes; 

"When protesters filed into the building only minutes before the auction began, the receptionist insisted that they could not bring their posters or voices to the auction. One organizer asked to see the Idaho code that disallowed this practice, and the crowd soon occupied and packed the back of the conference room."

At the auction, protesters remained silent, as the Public Lands Auction related to Oil and Gas Leases occurred; Stipulations related to Environmental Impact were placed on lands within the Ada and Canyon County areas, according to the Idaho Department of Lands,
"Various other stipulations were put in place for all tracts auctioned, in order to protect the environment, surface owners (where split estate scenario was present), and other values".

Addressing assertions from Activists, Wild Idaho Rising Tide wrote a list of items they would like to see. Number one on the list was; "1. Idaho rules and laws should require IDL to broadly publicize any auction well in advance, disclosing maps of tracts proposed for oil and gas leases, including the latitude and longitude of each parcel." At the end of the Oil and Gas Lease auction, both WIRT and IRAGE made inquires as to when the records would be made available under the Idaho Public Records Act. Sources:

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I-84, near Meridian Road in Meridian Idaho to close Friday

Mark Reinhardt- Boise Idaho Citing the Idaho Department of Transportation, the Meridian Idaho Police Department has announced the closure of I-84, near Meridian Road for this Friday;
Transportation infrastructure has remained an on going issue in Idaho State Politics for a number of years. According to a document obtained through the Idaho Department of Transportation's website, a five year plan issued in 2012, addressed a number of funding challenges related to the States Highways;

Five Year Plan 2012 by acousticfreeze

The Meridian Road project is cited to take 22 months, according to Idaho CBS Affiliate KBOI 2;

Monday, April 21, 2014

State of Idaho removes Project 60 flier from the Project's Website

Mark Reinhardt-Boise Idaho Project 60 was a initiative spearheaded by Idaho Governor C.L. Butch Otter to foster further economic growth for the State of Idaho. When attempting to access it on the Project 60 website, it was shown to have an error associated with the file, along with, a listing for the Idaho Department of Commerce; Audio obtained through showed Governor Otter saying the following on Project 60; When looking through, it showed the following numbers in terms of how many times it was archived by the website; The project was subject to extensive coverage by Internet Blogs, and the Idaho Statesman. Full flier:

Project 60 by acousticfreeze

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Editorial: Evidence Standards, Journalism Standards, Bundy Ranch, and the Fractured Perceptual World of the American Press System

Mark Reinhardt Credibility is a large issue when it comes to a media source, I get that. First and Foremost, I would like to address a few things about the sources of information I use when it comes to purely online media outlets. As such, I will do so, using a Young Turks video; Cenk did not get his basic facts wrong, he is actually right about the issues of how this standoff came to be. I am not disputing that. However, I must state the issue surrounding the Solar Energy plant is something that seriously needs to be addressed. There is plenty of ways in which you can find things for yourself on the Internet. For example, the Center for Investigative Journalism in London, has a great primer on how to do Internet Research properly. The other issue is, the standards used by American Alternative Media sources. 1. Evidence Standards: This means that the source in question has to use good judgement and have a history of high standards when researching a topic.The other is verification forms. 2. Background of the sources itself. StormCloudsGathering is a online source and the person running the channel does have an activist tinge to him, and the video I am sharing from him, does address Alternative Media standards in the very first section of the video itself; is ran by former Fox 19 reporter Ben Swann, originally from Ohio. Before half of what he talked about could be allowed on air, he had to fact check it, before the station ran it. The problem with purely using Mainstream Sources within the United States has a lot to do with Advertising Dollars and where those dollars come from. The other problem with sources of information is the way those sources are primarily labeled. As a general rule, unless its those two, I don't use mainstream sources within the United States, unless, it is a local affiliate in the area of an event. Update 4-16-14
Update 4-16-14 8:57 PM