Mark Reinhardt Boise, Idaho
On September 11th, 1984, the Los Angeles Police Department issued the First Rules Protocols. The purpose of which, was a guide for Police Officers on dealing with Deep Cover Espionage of the 1980s. These "rules" as they are called. Are simply guidelines.
Later on, they would become known as the First Rules of Los Angeles.
Trust No One: This rule should not be used, unless, you are involved in "Deep Cover" Operations of some kind.
Keep It Professional: This rule should be applied to professionals who are in the following fields. First Responders, Therapists, News Reporters, and or those who are in business. It should also be stated that this rule is helpful when you meet people out and about.
Keep It Current: The Past Doesn't Matter, what matters is now. This means that when you talk to another human being, keep it focused on the here and now. The past is often used as a tool to attack someone's character or their personality.
The past doesn't matter: This rule speaks for itself.
Never bring up your past: This rule is beneficial to the average person when you first meet someone new. It serves as a guide to basic conversational etiquette. In which, you, the average person find out there is another purpose to someone wanting to talk to you.
Family Doesn't Matter: Unless you are living in Skid Row, or you happen to suffer serious abuse at the hands of a family member. Don't use this rule. This rule is ultimately one of great cynicism.
Don't hesitate to eliminate someone: Unless you are living in Skid Row, or are fighting in an armed conflict, I would not use this rule, as this rule ,will end up getting yourself arrested for murder.
On September 11th, 1984, the Los Angeles Police Department issued the First Rules Protocols. The purpose of which, was a guide for Police Officers on dealing with Deep Cover Espionage of the 1980s. These "rules" as they are called. Are simply guidelines.
Later on, they would become known as the First Rules of Los Angeles.
Trust No One: This rule should not be used, unless, you are involved in "Deep Cover" Operations of some kind.
Keep It Professional: This rule should be applied to professionals who are in the following fields. First Responders, Therapists, News Reporters, and or those who are in business. It should also be stated that this rule is helpful when you meet people out and about.
Keep It Current: The Past Doesn't Matter, what matters is now. This means that when you talk to another human being, keep it focused on the here and now. The past is often used as a tool to attack someone's character or their personality.
The past doesn't matter: This rule speaks for itself.
Never bring up your past: This rule is beneficial to the average person when you first meet someone new. It serves as a guide to basic conversational etiquette. In which, you, the average person find out there is another purpose to someone wanting to talk to you.
Family Doesn't Matter: Unless you are living in Skid Row, or you happen to suffer serious abuse at the hands of a family member. Don't use this rule. This rule is ultimately one of great cynicism.
Don't hesitate to eliminate someone: Unless you are living in Skid Row, or are fighting in an armed conflict, I would not use this rule, as this rule ,will end up getting yourself arrested for murder.