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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Editorial: Evidence Standards, Journalism Standards, Bundy Ranch, and the Fractured Perceptual World of the American Press System

Mark Reinhardt Credibility is a large issue when it comes to a media source, I get that. First and Foremost, I would like to address a few things about the sources of information I use when it comes to purely online media outlets. As such, I will do so, using a Young Turks video; Cenk did not get his basic facts wrong, he is actually right about the issues of how this standoff came to be. I am not disputing that. However, I must state the issue surrounding the Solar Energy plant is something that seriously needs to be addressed. There is plenty of ways in which you can find things for yourself on the Internet. For example, the Center for Investigative Journalism in London, has a great primer on how to do Internet Research properly. The other issue is, the standards used by American Alternative Media sources. 1. Evidence Standards: This means that the source in question has to use good judgement and have a history of high standards when researching a topic.The other is verification forms. 2. Background of the sources itself. StormCloudsGathering is a online source and the person running the channel does have an activist tinge to him, and the video I am sharing from him, does address Alternative Media standards in the very first section of the video itself; is ran by former Fox 19 reporter Ben Swann, originally from Ohio. Before half of what he talked about could be allowed on air, he had to fact check it, before the station ran it. The problem with purely using Mainstream Sources within the United States has a lot to do with Advertising Dollars and where those dollars come from. The other problem with sources of information is the way those sources are primarily labeled. As a general rule, unless its those two, I don't use mainstream sources within the United States, unless, it is a local affiliate in the area of an event. Update 4-16-14
Update 4-16-14 8:57 PM

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