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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The jaded Internet users manifesto (Rules about comment sections)

Mark Reinhardt The following is a social media etiquette guide: These are list of opinion sand rules relating to how I address comment sections and Societal mindsets on Internet usage Section 1: Children and Teenagers For Teenagers:-If you are under the age of 18 and you are having an issue with one of my posts, be an adult about it. I will address you promptly. Note: Being an adult consists of the following word usage as examples: (I take issue with one of your posts.I want to clarify one of your posts and provide you with accurate information. “I will send you my email if you invoke that one”. Only include information appropriate to the post itself. For Parents: If your child commits suicide due to a Social Media post. Don’t push censorship of my Internet usage, because of your piss poor parenting skills. For Teenagers: If someone is bullying you on the Internet,and does not intend to show their face. They are cowards who suck as human beings. Their parents also suck as human beings, on the basis; they probably learned such behavior from them. For parents: I am not responsible for the actions of your kids when they are using the Internet. For Parents and Teenagers: If you advocate free speech for everything, except what you consider to be bullying, then you are a hypocrite. For Teenagers: If you want to submit information to the Idaho Calling pages, and you are under 18. I prefer that you send a PM on one of my pages. Please provide a fake first name.Example: Max, not real name Note: I will be posting the circumstances, in which, I will accept such admissions Disclaimer about Illegal activity: For Teenagers: If you videotape yourself doing something Illegal and post it online (Felonies and Misdemeanors)you will end up going to prison for a long time. For parents: It is your responsibility to make sure that the message I gave to teenagers about Illegal activity is enforced by you. For Parents and Teenagers: If you want something to be private, learn your privacy settings. I will not be the one to help you in that regard. Note: If I find it online, I will report on that through my websites. 3. When addressing me as Idaho Calling: -When you want something corrected, please provide corresponding documentation indicating the pertinent facts mentioned. Otherwise,I will not take you seriously, and consider such emails, and or, messages to be an act of extortion. -My comment section is generally used for open discussion and debate. -I will give three warnings as page moderator before completely shutting down the comment section. Note: Civility means, addressing the actual issue at hand via disagreement for the purposes of learning something. Learning something means to gain knowledge on a particular subject. When someone corrects your spelling and grammar, take the opportunity to learn new skills your teachers in Public School failed to actually teach you. 4. Implied Threats of violence I am all about engaging in legitimate discussion and debate, however, the following is considered implied threats of violence and will not be tolerated i.e. comment section is immediately shut off. "I would have knocked you out, camera or not." among other examples that will be added to this list, as time goes on. 5. Real life acts of aggression. Attempts at physical violence towards my person, will result in charges being pressed. -Do not follow me home without my permission, doing so will result in the calling of Law Enforcment, and or, the use of force. -Do not threaten me (Threatening me, will result in myself not talking to you at all.) This has been a message from Idaho Calling, thanks for reading.